Area of Triangles

The area of a Triangle is the number of square units it takes to exactly fill the interior of a triangle.

Formula for finding the area of a triangle is:
A = (b • h) ÷ 2



Example 1:


Step 1: Write the formula
A = (b • h) ÷ 2

Step 2: Substitute the variables with the given information
A = (8 • 9) ÷ 2

Step 3: Solve step by step
A = (8 • 9) ÷ 2
A = (72) ÷ 2
A = 36mm2


Example 2:



In this problem neither the base or the height are given. To find the area just measure the length of the triangles’ base (3 boxes) and multiply it by the length of its height (4 boxes). the formula should look like the following:

A = (3 • 4) ÷ 2

A = (12) ÷ 2

A = 6units2 or 6u2

*We use the word “units” because no measurement type was given in the problem, like ft, in, or cm.


You can also find the area of a triangle using the formula: A= ½ • (b • h)
In this formula when we divide by ½ it is the same as dividing by 2

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