Division: Draw a Diagram


Mr. Núñez has four times as many cookies as Ms. Aida. Together they have 305 cookies.

How many cookies does Mr. Núñez have?

Step 1:
draw boxes for the known amount ( # of times)

Mr. Núñez ☐☐☐☐

Step 2:
Draw one box on top to represent the other person

Ms. Aida    

Mr. Núñez ☐☐☐☐

Step 3:
Divide the total you were given by the number of boxes that appear.
305 ÷ 5 = 61

Step 4:
Write the answer to the division problem in each box
Ms. Aida    [61]
Mr. Núñez [61] [61] [61] [61]

Step 5:
Answer the question!

Ms. Aida only has 61 cookies, and Mr Núñez has 244 cookies (61 • 4)

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